Statement of Belief
We believe in one almighty God, eternally existing in Three Persons; God the Father, our Creator; Jesus Christ the Son, Our Savior, and the Holy Spirit, our Sanctifier.
We believe in the Holy Bible, existing as the Old and New Testaments is the Inspired Word of God; and is the Ultimate Authority of Christian faith and conduct.
We believe in the Holy Sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ.
We believe the Sacrament of Holy Baptism is an act of obedience and the sign of acceptance into the Fellowship of Believers.
We believe the Sacrament of Holy Communion is the act by which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ as spiritual nourishment of our new life, strengthen our fellowship with Him and all believers, and confess that He died for the remission our sins.
We believe that the Holy Universal Christian Church is the Body of Christ and the fellowship of believers.
We believe that we as Christians have the responsibility to worship regularly, pray faithful, study the Holy Bible diligently, and serve as God leads us, as a community and individuals; witnessing through word and deed.
We believe that, in all things, we are to Glorify God.
Statement of Belief
We believe in one almighty God, eternally existing in Three Persons; God the Father, our Creator; Jesus Christ the Son, Our Savior, and the Holy Spirit, our Sanctifier.
We believe in the Holy Bible, existing as the Old and New Testaments is the Inspired Word of God; and is the Ultimate Authority of Christian faith and conduct.
We believe in the Holy Sacraments instituted by Jesus Christ.
We believe the Sacrament of Holy Baptism is an act of obedience and the sign of acceptance into the Fellowship of Believers.
We believe the Sacrament of Holy Communion is the act by which we receive the Body and Blood of Christ as spiritual nourishment of our new life, strengthen our fellowship with Him and all believers, and confess that He died for the remission our sins.
We believe that the Holy Universal Christian Church is the Body of Christ and the fellowship of believers.
We believe that we as Christians have the responsibility to worship regularly, pray faithful, study the Holy Bible diligently, and serve as God leads us, as a community and individuals; witnessing through word and deed.
We believe that, in all things, we are to Glorify God.